
  1. Technical Diploma / Babylon Technical Institute in Management in 2001-2002 (first sequence for the first and second stages and second at the institute).
  2. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration / University of Karbala / College of Administration and Economics in 2007-2008.
  3. Master's degree in Business Administration / Tikrit University / College of Administration and Economics in 2020.
  4. PhD student / Research year Business Administration (Organizational Behavior) / University of Karbala / College of Administration and Economics in 2023-2024.
  5. Joined the job for the first time in 2006 as part of the appointment of the top students in institutes and universities and started at the Babylon Technical Institute in the Finance Division / Equipment Unit. Then worked in the Budget Unit / Finance Division.
  6. Teaching Statistics in the departments (Materials Management Techniques, Accounting Techniques) at the Babylon Technical Institute from 2009-2010 until 2023-2024.
  7. Worked as a Head of the Materials Management Techniques Department from 2010-2011 to 2013-2014 and Head of the Accounting Techniques Department for 2022-2023 at Babylon Technical Institute.
  8. Worked as Head of the Accounting Techniques Department at Al-Musayyab Technical Institute since October 2024.


  • Organizational Behavior Book Translated into Arabic Authored by: Stephen Robbins and Timothy Judge Translated into Arabic by: Lecturer: Ahmed Hadi Obaid Al-Rubaie Assistant Professor: Yazan Salem Mohammed


  • Technical Diploma in Management - Babylon Technical Institute - 2001-2002
  • Bachelor of Business Administration - College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala - 2007-2008
  • Master of Science in Business Administration - College of Administration and Economics - Tikrit University - 2020
  • PhD Student in Business Administration - College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala - Research Year 2023-2024


  • Head of Accounting Techniques Department - Al-Musayyab Technical Institute - 2024
  • coordinator of Materials Management Techniques Department - Babylon Technical Institute - 2010-2011 to 2013-2014
  • coordinator of Accounting Techniques Department - Babylon Technical Institute - 2022-2023

Scientific Research

  • 1- The role of developing moral capital in reducing bullying behaviors in the workplace An analytical study of the opinions of the job staff at the Babylon Technical Institute. Karbala International Journal of Management and Economics, 2022, Volume 11, Issue 41, Pages 25-55.
  • 2- The role of the employee voice system and organizational justice and its impact on enhancing organizational excellence An analytical study of the opinions of the teaching staff at the Babylon Technical Institute. Journal of the College of Administration and Economics for Economic, Administrative and Financial Studies, 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 168-194.
  • 3- The relationship between organizational climate and job burnout The mediating role of administrative empowerment An analytical study of the opinions of employees in the Babylon Governorate Traffic Directorate / Traffic Complex for Vehicle Registration and Driving Licenses. Al-Ghari Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 2022, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 250-288.
  • 4- The role of investing in core capabilities in reducing indicators of job desertification An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of health staff at Babylon Teaching Hospital for Women and Children in Hillah City. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2021, Volume 17, Issue 56 Part 3, Pages 434-462
  • 5- The role of happiness in the workplace in enhancing job absorption An analytical study of the opinions of workers in student affairs departments in colleges and institutes of Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2020, Volume 16, Issue 51 Part 1, Pages 279-297

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