Academic Qualification: Bachler degree in Medicine and General Surgery from Baghdad University / AL Kindy college of Medicine in 15-07-2010, Doctorate degree in Diagnostic Radiology from Iraqi Board for Medical Specializations in 14-11-2024.
Academic Title: Lecturer doctor in College of Health and Medical Techniques. Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University/ Kufa, Iraq.
Scientific training and courses:
-Non communicable diseases training course from 12-16 /5/2013 (Kerbala health directorate).
-Over the shoulder training program from 11-28 /10/2010 (Ortiz consolidated medical clinic /FOB prosperity/Baghdad).
-Principles of MRI Examinations (Al-Nahrain College of Medicine in March 2018).
-Basics of Doppler Ultrasound Workshop (Baghdad medical city from 13-14 /11/2019).
-Clinico-Practical Crash Course of Doppler Sonography (Karbala from 04/06/2021 to 06/08/2021).
-First Scientific Conference of Iraqi Society of Radiologists and Medical Imaging (Baghdad from 19-20/05/2022).
- Second Scientific Conference of Iraqi Society of Radiologists and Medical Imaging (Baghdad from 18-19/05/2023).