موقع حسين عواد كردي العابدي تدريسي/ة في الكلية التقنية الهندسية النجف

نبذة مختصرة

· Lecturer in Department of Power/ Mechanical Engineering at Engineering Technical College of Al-Najaf, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019. The teaching experience includes engineering courses such as Theory of Automobile, Engine Technology, Engineering and Numerical Analysis.

·   Lecturer in Aeronautical Engineering Department, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019. The teaching experience includes engineering courses such as Engineering and Numerical Analysis , and Mathematics I.

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من مواليد 1985

السيرة الشخصية

- Lecturer in Power/ Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Technical College of Al-Najaf

- Responsible of Scientific Promotions Section at university presidency 2015- 24/12/2019

الشهادات الحاصل عليها
BS.c in Automobile Engineering, Engineering Technical College of Al-Najaf, Al-Furat Al-Awast  Technical University, 2007 " class="form-control">" class="form-control">

الاهداف الخطط المستقبلية

السيرة المهنية في المؤسسة

·   Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges, recognition of merit and outstanding accomplishment at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Graduate program 2015.

·      Qualifying Course in Teaching Methods, course held by The Staff Development Center from 28/2/2016 to 3/3/2016.

· OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARDBEST PAPER IN THE SESSION ON  “Numerical Simulations 2”  Presented to “Inverse VoF Meshless Method for Efficient Non-Destructive Thermographic Evaluation” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Orlando, United States 14– 16 July 2014..

·      ERLI (Embry-Riddle Language Institute) Certificate, USA from 8th May, 2012 to 26th April, 2013.

·      TOEFL ITP (Test of English Foreign language) at ERLI (Embry-Riddle Language Institute), USA, 2013.

·      Modern Automotive & Electrical Systems Certificate from BOSCH Training Academy in Cairo, Egypt, 2011.  

·      IC3 (Internet and Computer Core Certification), Kufa University, 15 August 2010.

·      ICDL (International Computer Language Drive), Kufa University,  27 July 2009.

·      Self-Management & Time Management Certificate in Staff Development Center, Baghdad, 8 – 11 November 2009.

·       Conversation Method of English language in Technical-College Najaf, 10 August 2008 -31 August 2008.

·       Alumni Association, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, United States of America, 2014- Present.

·       Iraqi Engineers Association, Iraq, 2007-Present.

الروابط الى حساباتي في المواقع الاكاديمية
معلومات التواصل

أسكن في Najaf, Kufa

البريد الالكتروني : [email protected] , [email protected]

الموبايل :

البحوث الاكاديمية