موقع ضحى فلاح كليف البوصالح تدريسي/ة في المعهد التقني الديوانية

نبذة مختصرة

Teaching, Mechanics Department- Al- Furat Al Awsat Technical  University, Ad-Diwaneyah Iraq, 2009- Currently


Materials Properties

Teaching Assistant, Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, 2014-2016

Corrosion Lab.

Fatigue Lab.

  AREAS of Teaching Expertise

§  Nanotechnology

§  Corrosion

§  Materials Properties

§  Metallurgy

§  Composite Materials

§  Advanced Materials

Lecturer: Al-Furat Al Awsat technical University-Ad- Diwanyah Technical Institute

Materials Properties- 2018-Currently

Metallurgy 2009-2012

Card image cap
من مواليد 1984

السيرة الشخصية

المهام الادارية

ر. فرع الانتاج/ التقنيات الميكانيكية   2010-2011

م. التأهيل والتوظيف والمتابعة         2020-2021

ر. قسم التقنيات الميكانيكية                  2021

الشهادات الحاصل عليها



Doctor of Philosophy, Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK,  2014 -2018.

Thesis submitted Title: Microstructural and Mechanical Assessment of Pulse-Reverse Plated Cobalt Matrix Nanocomposite Coatings


Master of Engineering, Materials Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq, 2006 -2009

Dissertation: Corrosion Behaviour Evaluation of Prepared (Aluminium-Zinc-Magnesium) Alloys As Sacrificial Anode in Cathodic Protection



Bachelor of Engineering, Materials Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq, 2002 -2006

الاهداف الخطط المستقبلية
البحث العلمي
السيرة المهنية في المؤسسة

Certificates and trainings:

 §  English language )Reading, Academic writing, Speaking, Listening)- 2013

§  Referencing -End Note- 2017

§  XRD analysis and lab safety and data analysis -2017

§  How to build your C.V- 2016

§  Teaching assistance -2014

 Research Profile


§  Electroplating انتاج الطلاء الكهربائي     2014-2021

§  Advanced Microscopy Characterization  2014-2018

§  Microstructural characterisations, TEM, SEM, EDX,  Focus ion beam  milling FIB  

§   Casting 2007-2009

§  COMSOL Multiphysics Software- 2021

§   Origin Software

§   Matlab Software 2014

§   XPS Analysis 2016

§  Microhardness and Nanoindentation measurements- 2015

§   Wear test- 2017

§  QCM analysis-Chemistry- 2021

Publications / Presentations / Abstracts

§  Dhuha Albusalih, S. Gill, David Weston, F. Altmann, Production of electroplated Co-Al 2O3 nanocomposites by pulse reverse plating (PRP) and anionic surfactant, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 79, 2019

§  Albusalih D, Weston D, Gill S. the 20th meeting of the ELECTROCHEM conference series, 13th  September 2015.


  •  Albusalih D, Weston D, Gill S. the 21st meeting of the ELECTROCHEM conference series, 17th August 2016.
  • Albusalih D, Weston D, Gill S. TRIBOUK, 14th April 2016.

§  Albusalih D, Weston D, Production of Nanocomposites Ni-SiC by PRP, Vienna,2020.


§  Alzwghaibi, Alaa A. Atiyah, Ekbal M. Saeed, and Dhuha F. Klif. "Cathodic Protection of Oil Pipelines by Aluminum Alloys." Journal of King Abdulaziz University 22.2 (2011): 17.



الروابط الى حساباتي في المواقع الاكاديمية
معلومات التواصل

أسكن في الديوانية

البريد الالكتروني : [email protected]

الموبايل : 009647828811712

البحوث الاكاديمية

Nanocomposite Co-nSiC coatings... -سنة النشر (2023) - تحميل

عرض جميع البحوث