البحوث الخاصة بالتدريسي دكتورة اميرة هاتف حداوي

قائمة البحوث
  • عنوان البحث : دور التمكين النفسي في الحد من الاغتراب الوظيفي

    ملخص البحث :

    غرض الدراسة الحالية هو الكشف عن طبيعة العلاقة فيما بين أبعاد الدراسة المستقلة والتابعة عبر المتغير الوسيط إذ يتم البحث في ثلاثة مُتغيرات مهمة تتعلق بالجوانب النفسية والسلوكية للأفراد العاملين وهذه المتغيرات هي : التمكين النفسي والالتزام التنظيمي والتميز التنظيمي . وقد تم في هذه الدراسة تحليل المتغيرات اعلاه وفق مبدأين الاول : المبدأ السببي لمعرفة الاسباب الحقيقية والكيفية التي يتم من خلالها تحسين الالتزام التنظيمي عبر اعتماد مفهوم التمكين النفسي ، والثاني : المبدأ الشمولي أي دراسة المتغيرات الثلاثة جميعها لمعرفة مدى تأثيرهما احدهما في الآخر للوصول في النهاية الى تحقيق التميز التنظيمي. اعتمدت الدراسة المنهج الاستقصائي او الاستطلاعي عبر استخدام E-Survey)) من خلال عينة عشوائية متكونة من اساتذة الجامعات العراقية ، وقد جرى معالجة نتائج الاستطلاع احصائيا باستخدام (IBM SPSS Statistics 20) ، وقد توصلت الدراسة الى عدد من النتائج اهمها وجود علاقة ذات دلالة معنوية بين التمكين النفسي والالتزام التنظيمي ، وكذلك وجود اثر يحدثه الالتزام التنظيمي في تحقيق التميز التنظيمي اكبر مما يحدثه التمكين النفسي . الكلمات المفتاحية التمكين النفسي ، الالتزام التنظيمي ، التميز التنظيمي .
    • سنة النشر : 2022
    • تصنيف البحث : other
    • تحميل

  • عنوان البحث : تاثير القيادة المحركة في اعادة الهندسة الادارية

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    • سنة النشر : 2023
    • تصنيف البحث : other
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  • عنوان البحث : تاثير الروحانية التنظيمية في مكان العمل في السلوك الاخضر للعاملين

    ملخص البحث :

    • سنة النشر : 2023
    • تصنيف البحث : other
    • تحميل

  • عنوان البحث : The Effect of the Rate of Bank Deposits on the Profitability of Commercial Banks: An Empirical Analysis

    ملخص البحث :

    • سنة النشر : 2020
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
    • تحميل

  • عنوان البحث : The Effect of the Rate of Bank Deposits on the Profitability of Commercial Banks: An Empirical Analysis

    ملخص البحث :

    • سنة النشر : 2020
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
    • تحميل

  • عنوان البحث : The relationship between bank deposits and profiibility for commercial banks

    ملخص البحث :

    • سنة النشر : 2020
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
    • تحميل

  • عنوان البحث : The Impact of Strategic Foresight on Strategic Entrepreneurship

    ملخص البحث :

    research aims to identify the impact of strategic foresight on strategic entrepreneurship in technical education institutions. Research has been applied in some technical education institutions in the city of Najaf in Iraq, 60 questionnaires were distributed and the number of valid questionnaires was 46, and the response rate was 76%. The research was based on the analytical method using simple and multiple regression. The simple and multiple relationships were also calculated. The results showed that there is a significant and important role for the strategic foresight in the strategic entrepreneurship, and successful institutions need high attention to strategic foresight .
    • سنة النشر : 2018
    • تصنيف البحث : clarivate
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  • عنوان البحث : Impact of knowledge sharing on the success of crisis management strategy

    ملخص البحث :

    The aim of the research is to identify the impact of knowledge sharing on the success of crisis management strategy. The knowledge sharing was discussed through implicit and explicit knowledge. A conceptual model was presented to clarify the causal relationships between the variables, and the relationship was tested by calculating correlation coefficients
    • سنة النشر : 2018
    • تصنيف البحث : clarivate
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  • عنوان البحث : The Dialectical Relationship Between Organizational Heritage and Elite Organizations: A Conceptual Approach

    ملخص البحث :

    Organizational heritage can be a source and tool for achieving distinction and uniqueness of elite organizations, especially if the identity is valuable, scarce, and difficult to imitate. In the context of talking about the dynamics of building the organization’s heritage and then employing this heritage at the organizational level, the necessary ideology of transformation and innovation should be strengthened, and this confirms that organizations cannot separate from their present, but they can codify their relationship with their past and employ history and past for the benefit of the present and the future. The desk method was adopted in the research, which was represented in a descriptive approach to study the topic of organizational heritage and elite organizations, which was done by surveying the literature and studies related to the topic, studying and analyzing them in an objective academic manner in order to be understood by specialists in various organizations. Intellectual foundations and drawing relationships and their implications in the business environment. Keywords:Organizational Heritage, Elite Organizations.
    • سنة النشر : 2021
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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    ملخص البحث :

    Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between Taoist behaviorand social capital as one of the important types of positive behaviors in organizations.Theoretical Framework: The study's main goal is to identify how Najafinternational airport contributes to obtaining all information through the wide socialnetworks of personal contacts by the managers of the organizations.Design/methodology/approach-The study collected data by designing aquestionnaire distributed to (248) employees at Najaf International Airport, and thehypotheses that were developed through the literature related to the research variableswere tested.Findings- The results revealed the existence of a correlation and impact relationshipbetween Taoist behavior and the social capital of the organization, and this indicatesthe importance of social capital for workers and the extent of its contribution toachieving success through appropriate behavior for work, and the method of effectiveperformance in light of competition and unexpected environmental conditions. As theTaoist behavior of the employees is based on two elements: balance and flexibility,and this is in line with the requirements of the social capital of a successfulorganization.Research, Practical & Social implications: The study is advocate for improving thebasis and practices of Taoist conduct in the workplace by pushing individuals tobalance their requirements with the demands of their work environment and thedemands of their employer.Originality/Value: This paper develops and tests a model that explores the impact ofTaoist behavior on social capital.Doi: https://doi.org/10.26668/businessreview/2023.v8i5.1416 (PDF) | TAOIST BEHAVIOR, AN APPROACH TO CREATE OF SOCIAL CAPITAL IN ORGANIZATION: A CASE STUDY AT NAJAF INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT | 2023. 1 Intern. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370654221_TAOIST_BEHAVIOR_AN_APPROACH_TO_CREATE_OF_SOCIAL_CAPITAL_IN_ORGANIZATION_A_CASE_STUDY_AT_NAJAF_INTERNATIONAL_AIRPORT_2023_1_Intern#fullTextFileContent [accessed Jan 06 2024].
    • سنة النشر : -23
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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  • عنوان البحث : The role of entrepreneurship passion in corporate sustainability: An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of managers in the Asia mobile communications company

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    This paper explores the relationship between the passion for entrepreneurship and corporate sustainability, considering that the desire for entrepreneurship is the fuel that entrepreneurs need to continue and achieve sustainability. This study aims to identify the nature of the relationship between entrepreneurial passion and corporate sustainability, an applied study in Asia Telecom. Passion is an important behavior, despite all the recent attention towards entrepreneurship passion, one particularly important question that has not been fully addressed What makes entrepreneurs passionate? The literature on the passion for entrepreneurship has almost universally focused on the passion towards “activities”, as the current study aims to investigate a variety of activities related to the context of entrepreneurial passion (i.e. activities related to invention, establishment and development). As a result of the research, if the research sample consisted of (100) entrepreneurs, and a set of statistical methods were used for the Spss v.28 (Amos) program, standard deviations, arithmetic averages, correlations and variance analysis, and the study problem centered on the following essential question “What is the impact of the passion of entrepreneurship on the sustainability of companies,” and the current study tried to verify the main hypothesis “there is a correlation between the passion for entrepreneurship and corporate sustainability. More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information. Design: Methodology: Approach The data was collected by designing a questionnaire distributed to (100) employees of the Asia Telecom Company. The hypotheses developed through the literature related to the research variables were tested. Results:The findings revealed a correlation and impact relationship between entrepreneurship passion and corporate sustainability, indicating the importance of entrepreneurship passion. The extent of its contribution to achieving success, discovering innovative opportunities, developing a new business intends to achieve corporate sustainability, and the method of effective performance in light of competition and unexpected environmental factors. Suppose it is based on three elements (Passion for invention, establishment, and passion for development and development). In that case, passion plays a critical role in creating new projects and their results, whichaligns with the sustainability requirements of a successful organization.Originality and value: This research develops and tests a model that explores the impact of entrepreneurship passion on corporate sustainability.
    • سنة النشر : 23
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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