البحوث الخاصة بالتدريسي جمانة علي باقر

قائمة البحوث
  • عنوان البحث : The effect of Bank Credit on Economic Growth in Iraq for the Period 2003-2019

    ملخص البحث :

    Banks are considered an important part of the economic system due to their prejudice to economic life in all respects, and one of the most important functions of banks is to provide bank credit, whether at the individual or national level. Thus, the matter requires from the public authorities greater interest in this sector, whether with direct care or by the competent banking services by following certain monetary policy. Thus, the research was divided into three topics in order to reach its goals. Where the first topic dealt with the conceptual framework of bank credit and economic growth, while the second topic dealt with analyzing the relationship between bank credit and economic growth. The last topic measured the effect of the independent variable represented by bank credit in the dependent variable represented in the gross domestic product using the Eviews9 program in the Iraqi economy for the period from 2003-2019 The research concluded that there is a direct relationship between the two variables during the research period, but it is necessary to provide bank credit with a measure of development in the financial system to better show its positive impact on economic growth
    • سنة النشر : 2021
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
    • تحميل


    ملخص البحث :

    Unemployment is one of the problems rooted in the Iraqi economy despite the possibility of eliminating it or at least reducing it through spending policy because of its great role in influencing it. Therefore, the research concluded, in its analytical aspect, that the spending policy adopted by the government after 2003 has a major role in reducing the unemployment rate, and the standard model was used for this purpose and confirmed in order to reach a set of results and recommendations that enhance the role of government spending in reducing the unemployment rate in the economy. Iraqi for the period from 2003-2019.
    • سنة النشر : 2020
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
    • تحميل

  • عنوان البحث : معدلات الفائدة واثرها في معدلات التضخم في الاقتصاد العراقي للمدة (2003 -2019)

    ملخص البحث :

    السدتخلص: ً اذ يذكل ً ريعيا عانى االقتراد الع اخقي مشح العقؾد التي خمت وما ازل يعاني مؽ اختالالت ليكمية كؾنو اقترادا % مؽ االي اخدات العامة لمجولة فزالً الشفط ما ندبتو 90 عؽ الدياسات االقترادية غيخ الدميسة ومؽ ضسشيا الدياسة الشقجية بأدواتيا الشؾعية والكسية ونتيجة لحلػ عانى مؽ ضغؾط تزخسية عرفت بالييكل االقترادؼ لمعخاق ويدتسج البحث أىسيتو مؽ أىسية الستغيخات السبحؾثة والستسثمة بسعجالت الفائجة ومعجالت التزخؼ كؾنيا مؤشخات ميسة بالشدبة ألؼ اقتراد , وكسا ييجف الى بيان تأثيخ معجالت الفائجة في معجالت التزخؼ خالل مجة البحث وفي ضؾء ذلػ تؾصل البحث الى أ َّن معجالت الفائجة تداىؼ في التأثيخ عمى معجالت التزخؼ في العخاق The Iraqi economy has suffered since the past decades and is still suffering from structural imbalances, being a rentier economy, as oil constitutes 90% of the state’s general revenues, as well as improper economic policies, including monetary policy with its qualitative and quantitative tools. The research is important from the importance of the investigated variables represented in interest rates and inflation rates as they are important indicators for any economy, and it also aims to show the impact of interest rates on inflation rates during the research period and in light of this, the research concluded that interest rates contribute to affecting inflation rates in Iraq.
    • سنة النشر : 2022
    • تصنيف البحث : other
    • تحميل