البحوث الخاصة بالتدريسي ghadeer ibrahim maki

قائمة البحوث
  • عنوان البحث : Image filtering by convolution

    ملخص البحث :

    Image filtering is a common technique used in digital image processing that can be used to take a picture appear differently aesthetically. Noise, also known as distracting visual artifacts, can lower the overall quality of a picture, which is why image improvement techniques are required to fix the problem. It can be utilized in a variety of ways, including smoothing, sharpening, reducing noise, and detecting borders, to name a few. In this piece, we will be using convolutional techniques to correct the images that were messed up. The first thing that needs to be done is a point-by-point multiplication of the frequency domain representation of the picture that's being entered through a black image that has a small white rectangle in the mid of it. This is the first step. Only the lowest harmonics are kept after we apply a filter that gets rid of the higher ones. Because the high frequencies in the input picture are filtered out, the special domain of the image that is produced should look like a blurrier variation of the original picture. Therefore, a greater degree of detail preservation is indicated when the white rectangle W is larger because this indicates that more high-frequency components of I have been preserved.
    • سنة النشر : 2023
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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  • عنوان البحث : Encryption Image Based on Z-Fractal and Hash Function with Grigorchuk's Group

    ملخص البحث :

    The information and data exchanged between people over the Internet needs security to maintain the confidentiality of the data and avoid unauthorized access. Therefore, it is necessary to use more powerful encryption techniques and methods in the face of hostile attacks. In this paper, the propose an encryption method that depends primarily on the sensitivity of the key and the randomness of the encryption. The key generation was based on audio files as a basic seed, then Grigorchuk's group was applied as a hash of data and then entered it on the hash function SHA-3 (256), which outputs a series of 256-bit data as a key. Audio files This increases the sensitivity of the key. Then encrypted with two methods XOR and the RC6 algorithm to enhance the security of the encryption. The final stage is the application of Z-Fractal to the encrypted image and this is also applied before encoding. Noted through the security analysis of the algorithm that it has strength in the face of hostile attacks based on the randomness of the encryption and the sensitivity of the key and in view of the measure’s values as the value of the scale NPCR, UACI was 100 and 35, respectively. In addition to its execution time, which not exceed a minute.
    • سنة النشر : 2022
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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  • عنوان البحث : Artificial Neural Networks for Simulation of Digital Control Systems

    ملخص البحث :

    Research on artificial neural networks (ANN) is still being active leading to many new network types as well as hybrid algorithms and hardware for neural information processing. An artificial neural network consists of a pool of simple processing units which communicate by sending signals to each other over a large number of weighted connections. On the other hand, most control systems, today, use digital computers (usually microprocessors) to implement the controllers such as: Machine Tools, Metal Working Processes, and Chemical Processes. Most electronic systems are designed according to the device and then manufactured as an attached electronic device. But if conditions change or the factory is updated, then the control device must be replaced. Due to the complexity of the control system units represented by the program implementation algorithms, the complexity of mathematical analysis, the time delay caused by digital to analog converter DAC or analog to digital converter ADC, and the deterioration of the system’s stability due to the conversion of the system to be digital, this conversion causes the loss of some signal information. In this study, another controller based on Artificial Neural Network control is examined to replace the system controlling the motion of a worktable at a certain location; that is an important positioning system in manufacturing systems. Simulation after training the neural network (supervised learning) has shown that results are acceptable with the advantage of simplicity and adaptability to new updates and applicability in industry processes for reference control applications. The study also indicates that an artificial neural network controller could be less complex and cheaper to implement in industrial control applications compared to some of the other proposed schemes
    • سنة النشر : 0
    • تصنيف البحث : رسالة ماجستير
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  • عنوان البحث : Improved Model for Skin Illnesses Classification Utilizing Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Convolution Neural Network

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    Skin conditions are more common than other illnesses. Skin issues can be brought on by viruses, bacteria, allergies, fungi, etc. The detection of skin diseases has been made better by lasers and photonics since it is now quicker and more precise. However, such a diagnosis is pricey. A system for automated dermatology screening is built with the use of computer vision. Using the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Convolution Neural Network (CNN) provides an improved model for accurately diagnosing skin disorders. In order to classify skin photos, CNN is used by the model to extract features from the images using GLCM. The high-level features utilizing the statistical features were retrieved via GLCM separately because the photos utilized in the research are for skin conditions. Once merged, these features created a high-accuracy categorization. Two distinct classification processes are used to categorize photos into 13 diseases: First, the Deep Neural Network (DNN) classifier obtains 96.69% accuracy, 96.2% recall, 96.2% precision, and 96.2% F1-score in terms of performance evaluation measures. Second, accuracy, recall, precision, and F1-score are the performance evaluation metrics for the Multiple Support Vector Machine (MSVM) classifiers. The model outperforms other cutting-edge models in terms of accuracy and effectiveness when compared to them. This work thus indicates the capability of GLCM and CNN for the classification of skin diseases and their prospective uses in the healthcare sector.
    • سنة النشر : 2023
    • تصنيف البحث : clarivate
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  • عنوان البحث : Studying the Impact of Social Media and Computer Programs on the Education, Health and Economic Levels of Students

    ملخص البحث :

    The current study aims to know the extent of the impact of technological development in the field of computer and social media (SM) on the goals of sustainable development by evaluating the impact of these electronic programs on the health, economic and scientific levels for the students of the Diwaniyah Technical Institute .Methods: the current study is a cross-sectional study completed during the period from 1/6 to 20/9/2022, and it included the collection of information and a questionnaire from students of morning and evening studies in the Department of Nursing Techniques at the Technical Institute of Diwaniyah, Al Furat Al Awsat Technical University, Iraq. Where we relied on the electronic Google Form to collect students' answers to questions about the impact of computer programs and social media applications on the scientific, health and economic levels of students. Statistics programs and some computer programs such as Excel were used to design and produce the research results. Results: Most of our students (86%) use mobile devices for the purpose of downloading SM applications and various Internet programs, and the most used applications were Telegram (91%), Instagram (56%) and YouTube (41%), as we found most of the students ( 41%) spend from 4 to 6 hours daily for following SM applications, despite their desire to avoid e-learning, and most of them (71%) prefer studying inside the institute or hospital. Most of the students (72%) confirmed that Telegram is one of the most useful applications from the academic point of view, as we found that SM and modern computer applications are a double-edged sword for its impact on the scientific level of students, while it had a negative impact on the health status, as we found 67% of the students (mainly males) suffer from sleep disturbances, 46% have vision problems, and 41% suffer from depression and isolation due to their addiction to these websites and SM applications.On the other hand, 42% of the students postponed or delayed their work as a result of following these websites and SM applications, while 12% and 17% of the students confirmed that their use of the programs available on the Internet had financial returns and profits, especially the application of Telegram, Instagram and YouTube. In conclusion, Students should be educated and directed to harness computer programs and modern social media applications in order to contribute to the development of their scientific, health and economic levels. In view of the importance of this subject, it is necessary to ensure the inclusion of social media and computer programs (modern technology) within the sustainable development goals (as Goal 18 for sustainable development).
    • سنة النشر : 2024
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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    ملخص البحث :

    Steganography of video involves hiding secret information in video frames without perceptibly altering the quality of the video. This technique aims to achieve the data's confidentiality and ensure that the hidden message remains undetected by third parties. This method may involve taking a sound signal and encrypting it using the enhanced DES algorithm, which may offer more robust encryption and increased security compared to the original DES algorithm. The encrypted sound signal may then be hidden within a video using the technique CNN. The effectiveness of these techniques depends on the complexity of the algorithm used for embedding the data and the perceptibility of the changes made to the original sound. This method may provide a new approach for secure communication and data protection involving sound signals and may have applications in fields such as telecommunications, multimedia, and information security
    • سنة النشر : 2024
    • تصنيف البحث : other
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