البحوث الخاصة بالتدريسي مروه عبدالهادي

قائمة البحوث
  • عنوان البحث : Developing a pavement maintenance management system of multi-lane highway in Iraq

    ملخص البحث :

    Roads and highways are a major part of the transportation infrastructure in Iraq and play a substantial role in the local economy and community development. This research aims to develop a pavement maintenance management system (PMMS) for the highway which provides a systematic process of maintaining and upgrading the pavement and tools to facilitate a more flexible approach that can enable us to perform better tasks, more economically, effectively and of higher quality. The research study was conducted on a section of the main multi-lane highway in Baghdad, from Al-Dora intersection to Al-Mahmudiya district. The study area was divided into (20) sections. Each section divided into (40) sample units with size (250) m ² . This highway is considered as a major highway with high traffic volume in Iraq. The updating Micro PAVER v.7.0.8 software was used for assessment and prediction of the condition of highway pavement and maintenance cost for existing conditions (Time of the study survey has occurred in 2018), the maintenance plan has been for short-term conditions (2018-2023) and medium-term conditions (2018-2027). The study shows that the PCI of the existing conditions was rating as (poor) with 90,434.00$ maintenance cost. The PCI of short-term condition was the rating (satisfactory) with 13, 497, 448, 00$ maintenance cost. The PCI of medium-term condition was the rating (good) with 18, 756, 142, 00$ maintenance cost. All highways in Iraq needs to be reconsidered for future maintenance plans to improve the quality of service of these facilities.
    • سنة النشر : 2020
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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  • عنوان البحث : Study of Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Lake Sawa, Al-Muthanna Province, Iraq

    ملخص البحث :

    The study intends to identify both the geomorphologic and hydrological characteristics of Lake Sawa regarding its water sources and the specific attributes of this water. The study focused on the impact of climate on lake surface water's physical and chemical properties. The analysis of both the data for a major climate cycle (30 years) for the period (1989-2018) and the samples taken from Lake Sawa water depth (1-5) meters proved that the climate had changed the physical and chemical properties of lake water; besides, the extensive evaporation of its water and the lack of rain precipitation in the lake raised salts ratio to 22885 (mg/liter), as well as the rates of other physical and chemical elements.
    • سنة النشر : 2022
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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  • عنوان البحث : تأثير العمليات المورفومناخية على مدينة نيبور (نفر) الحضارية

    ملخص البحث :

    تناول البحث تحليل أثر العمليات المورفومناخية على مدينة نيبور (نفر) الحضارية , والتي تمثل أهم المدن الأثرية في جنوب العراق . وتهدف الدراسة الى تحليل أبرز خصائص الجغرافية الطبيعية ودورها في نشاط أو ضعف العمليات المورفومناخية المؤثرة على المواقع الأثرية , وقد اظهرت الدراسة أن فعل العمليات المورفورمناخية على مدينة نيبور (نفر) الحضارية هي الأكثر تأثيراً على المعالم الأثرية في المنطقة , والمتمثلة بعمليات التجوية الكيميائية والميكانيكية والبيولوجية وتأثيراتها المتباينة , وقد عدت التجوية الميكانيكية من أنشط أنواع التجوية في المنطقة , فضلاً عن عمليات التعرية الريحية والمطرية واثرها البارز التي تمارسه على المعالم الأثرية , وقد تم قياس نشاط العمليات المورفومناخية . متمثلة بعمليات التعرية المطرية والريحية ومعدلات القابلية المُناخية السنوية للتعرية الريحية فكانت قرينة التعرية في محطة الديوانية المُناخية عالية جداً . واتضح إن عمليات التعرية المطرية ذات تأثير واضح وكبير على المواقع الاثرية تتمثل بالتعرية التصادمية والصفائحية وتعرية المسيلات والأخاديد المائية , و للعمليات المورفومناخية الارسابية المتمثلة بالترسيب المطري والريحي اثر واضح وكبير متمثل بطمر الكثير من المواقع الاثرية في المنطقة الاثرية ، كما تساهم الاضطرابات البئية المختلفة، كالتذبذب والتغيير المناخي والاضطرابات الجيولوجية إلى حد كبير جداً في عدم استقرار تلك العمليات المورفومناخية وتأثيراتها على منطقة الدراسة .
    • سنة النشر : 2022
    • تصنيف البحث : other
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  • عنوان البحث : Spatial analysis of the relationship of ground slopes with water erosion using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS)and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) method in Arc GIS Desktop -Acomparative study between the two methodes-

    ملخص البحث :

    In this study, were performances of two method techniques ordinary least square (OLS) regression and geographically weighted regression (GWR) were compared for the task of predicting the values of water erosion across a study area in Dewana basin as a part of Sulaymaniyah Province, northeast Iraq. The study showed a clear difference between the two methods Because least squares regression methods do not take into account local variations within the study area and it do not give weight to the area or to any other weighted element, it gives a general impression of the type of relationship between the independent variables and the extent of their influence with the dependent variable. The geographically weighted regression model considers the internal local variations of the study area and the ability to give some weights outweigh the elements involved in the process of analysis. These study results have recorded a difference between the two methods approximately (9.3%). The best results were obtained with the GWR model with an area estimated at (199.4 km2) of total area in the rate of (33.2%). The results showed no significant relationship between water erosion and the degree of slope. It is also found that calculating the values of water erosion by the Bergsma method does not give accurate results for measuring the severity of erosion in general and do not record a strong correlation compared to the degree of slope on the other hand.
    • سنة النشر : 2021
    • تصنيف البحث : other
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  • عنوان البحث : Web-Based GIS Software and Database Tools for Water Resources Management

    ملخص البحث :

    Water is a precious natural resource that is in short supply. Thus, to ensure sustainable development, water resource management has become a critical component of global concern, particularly in arid and semi - arid countries. The field of open source GIS software has grown at a breakneck pace over the last few decades. This software quickly established a key and significa nt role in academic and applied research. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics and design of a Web GIS Platform for monitoring water resources in the study area to disseminate, exchange, and manage information via the internet. The p latform - developed application demonstrates that by leveraging Open Source software and database tools, it is possible to create a flexible and interoperable tool for water resource management that provides critical information to decision - makers and intere sted stakeholders. The support tools, which will be built on open - source desktop GIS technology, will enable users to see, change, and display the geographic location on the map and conduct spatial query research
    • سنة النشر : 2023
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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