البحوث الخاصة بالتدريسي عقيلة قحطان كريم بهية

قائمة البحوث
  • عنوان البحث : Creation and its Impact on the Strategy of the Modern Organizations

    ملخص البحث :

    Abstract: This research deals with creativity and the impact it exercises on modifying the strategies of modern organizations. Creativity here is addressed in terms of the basic approaches, elements and creativity strategies and its characteristics, as well as the relationship of creativity to change by knowing the characteristics of change and its causes and objectives, and then we learn about regulative creativity through studying the indicators and characteristics of regulative creativity as well Characteristics of creative organizations and obstacles to creativity and knowledge of strategies to deal with obstacles and then how to develop regulative creativity.
    • سنة النشر : 2022
    • تصنيف البحث : thomson reuters
    • تحميل