البحوث الخاصة بالتدريسي مؤيد باقر محمد

قائمة البحوث
  • عنوان البحث : Historical Study of the Results of The American War on Iraq ‎ between (2003- 2020)

    ملخص البحث :

    ‎ Muayad Baqer Mohammed Alfahham Lecturer in Contemporary Islamic History Field ,Department of Power Mechanics ,Najaf ‎Engineering Technical College, Alfurat Al-awsat Technical University, Iraq., (E-mail: coj. ‎[email protected]).‎ ABSTRACT The Iraq Aggression is the antagonism that not once terminated. That’s accurate exactly, in (U.S) ‎throngs are tranquil in Iraq certain (17 years) later the American attack, with metaphorically, in ‎allegations terminated Iraq — why the (U. S) attacked, what exited erroneous, whether altered ‎consequences were conceivable — endure to impact (U.S) extraneous guiding principle besides ‎inland legislations to this diurnal. The Iraq Aggression takes a noteworthy dispute in each one ‎constitutional choice then it initiated in 2003. It consumes cast a sleuth done each one of ‎successive confab of whether, everyplace, with in what way the U. States would apply potency. It ‎devours sore deliberations completed whether America ought recommit that one to a striving inter ‎‎-continual or wrench earlier since the Middle East besides feasibly the wider world. It devours ‎ghostly American direction.‎
    • سنة النشر : 2020
    • تصنيف البحث : scopus
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