موقع أ.د.هاشم جبار الدده تدريسي/ة في المعهد التقني بابل

نبذة مختصرة
Web of Science C.V Prepared on May 20th, 2023 Dr. Hashim Jabbar Majeed-Aldedah https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/rid/ABG-3045-2022 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=58002948500 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wZR2TyIAAAAJ&hl=ar Web of Science ResearcherID: ABG-3045-2022 ORCiD: 0000-0001-9731-7044 EDUCATION: 1. Ph.D. (2014): Business Administration/knowledge Management, University of al Mustansryia Administration and Economics, Iraq 2. M.Sc. (2005): Operation and production management, University of Qadesiya, College of Administration and Economics, Iraq 3. .B.Sc. (2001): Business Administration, College of Administration and Economics, University of Qadesiya, Iraq. WORK EXPERIENCE • Assistant professor in Affiliation: Al-fought Al-awsat Technical University, Iraq, [from 2005]–[still] • Head of Techniques of Materials Management Department, Babil Technical Institute For, ATU, Iraq, since 2015 TO 2019 • Head of Techniques of Materials Management Department, Babil Technical Institute For, ATU, Iraq, since 2022 TO present • • Lucture in the Techniques of Materials Management Department, Babil Technical Institute, ATU, Iraq, since 2005. • Member of the editorial board of the journal Technical. Middle Technical Universiy. Iraq. • Member of the AACSB Program Committee TO THE ATU, Iraq. • Member of the Scientific and consultative services office, Babil Technical Institute, ATU, Iraq. Reviewer Current affiliation: - Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University from 2020 until the present Publishing Summary For manuscripts published from the date range May 2018 - May 2023 (2) International Journal of Professional Bus…(1) International Journal of Innovation, Crea… Publications For manuscripts published from the date range May 2018 - May 2023 (4) 1. Investigation of the Relationship Between Main Sources Knowledge Acquisition and Open Innovation at the Second Managerial Levels of the General Directorate of Traffic Authors (2): Hashim Jabbar Majeed; Saadia Haief Kadhumb Published: Feb 2023 in International Journal of Professional Business Review DOI: 10.26668/BUSINESS REVIEW/2023.V8I2.1362 2. Exploration of the Effect Factors in Applying the Knowledge Sharing System (Kss) in Food Industries. Co Authors (2): Hashim Aldedah; Saadia Haief Kadhum Published: Dec 2022 in International Journal of Professional Business ReviewDOI: 10.26668/BUSINESS REVIEW/2022.V7I5.E 3. Employing Knowledge Attributes Achieve Entrepreneurial Learning Authors (1): Hashim Jabbar Majeed Published: May 2022 4. Establishing Effective Knowledge Behavior Strategy Model: An Case Study Authors (1): Hashim Jabbar Majeed Published: Oct 2020 in International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change 5. The Role of information technology in administrative control Authors (1): Hashim Jabbar Majeed Place: BABIL/IRAQ / Date: 7 March 2015 6. Strategies for Resolving administrative conflict and Methods of Solution at executive levels Authors (1): Hashim Jabbar Majeed BABIL/IRAQ / Date: 7 Sept. 2015 7. The use of time study to Reduce the Time of productive grouping Authors (1): Hashim Jabbar Majeed Baghdad/IRAQ / Date: 7 January 2015 8. The Impact of knowledge management requirements on Achieving Administrative Change Authors (1): Hashim Jabbar Majeed Baghdad/IRAQ / Date: 7 January 2015 9. Verified reviews 10. 1 REVIEW OF 1 MANUSCRIPT 11. For manuscripts published from the date range May 2018 - May 2023 12. A Survey of Recommendation Systems for Predicting the Academic Performance of Students Reviewed: Oct 2021 for VINE The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
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من مواليد 1978

السيرة الشخصية
EDUCATION: 1. Ph.D. (2014): Business administration / knowledge Management, University of al Mustansryia Administration and Economics, Iraq 2. M.Sc. (2005): Operation and production management, University of Qadisiya , College of Administration and Economics, Iraq 3. .B.Sc. (2001): Bussines Adminstration, College of Administration and Economics, University of Qadesiya, Iraq. WORK EXPERIENCE Assistant professor in Affiliation: Al-furat Al-awsat Technical University , Iraq , [from 2005]–[still] • Head of Techniques of Materials Management Department, Babil Technical Institute For, ATU, Iraq, since 2015 TO 2019 and from2022 to present • Lucture in the Techniques of Materials Management Department, Babil Technical Institute, ATU, Iraq, since 2005. •Member of the editorial board of the journal Technical. Middle Technical Universiy. Iraq. • Member with the AACSB Program Committee TO THE ATU, Iraq. • Member with the office of scientific and consultative services, Babil Technical Institute , ATU, Iraq. Reviewer in: 1- FJIMS (Al-Furat Journal of Management Sciences 2- 2- Journal of Techniques
الشهادات الحاصل عليها
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الاهداف الخطط المستقبلية

السيرة المهنية في المؤسسة

            1Investigation Of The Effect Of Individual Attitudes During The Application Of The Job Rotation Strategy At The General Directorate Of Traffic. 2020
       2Establishing and Developing an Effective Knowledge Behaviour Strategy Model/ A Case Study Of   2020
    3Title: The role of information technology in administrative control / Authors:  Dr Hashim jibbar al-dedah 2015
  4Title:  Strategies for Resolving administrative conflict and methods of solution at executive levels    Authors:  Dr Hashim jibbar al-dedah / Place: BABIL/IRAQ / Date: 7 Sept. 2015
   5Title:  the use of time study to reduce the time of productive grouping    Authors:  Dr Hashim jibbar al-dedah Place: Baghdad/IRAQ / Date: 7 January  2015
       6the impact of knowledge management requirements in achieving administrative change  Authors:  Dr Hashim jibbar al-dedah / Place: Baghdad/IRAQ  /  Date: 7 January  2015

الروابط الى حساباتي في المواقع الاكاديمية
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أسكن في بابل

البريد الالكتروني : [email protected]

الموبايل : 07802205960

البحوث الاكاديمية

INVESTIGATION THE RELATIONSHIP... -سنة النشر (2023) - تحميل

EXPLORATION THE EFFECT FACTORS... -سنة النشر (2022) - تحميل

Establishing Effective Knowled... -سنة النشر (2020) - تحميل

Employing Knowledge Attributes... -سنة النشر (2022) - تحميل

عرض جميع البحوث